Education game
Game Fi
NFT Game
Play to earn

Join the community

Join the community

Be active,
get Manus and NFT

Be active, get Manus and NFT

Collect NFT
and exchange them

Collect NFT and exchange them

Play the ManusCrypt

Play the ManusCrypt

Develop your profile and earn more

Develop your profile and earn more

ManusCrypt is based
on 3 principles: earning, learning and entertainment

Game aims to teach people how to use their intellectual and material resource to the maximum, to bring them closer with the blockchain technology and smart contracts, all in the format of a fun and dynamic game!
A symbiosis of technology and philosophy allowed us to create a product which encompasses the quintessence of human needs – basic needs, striving for improvement and knowledge, and social interaction within one's personal boundaries. And of course it involves a gaming element because humans need to have fun!
is basedon
3 principles:
earning, learning and entertainment
A symbiosis of technology and philosophy allowed us to create a product which encompasses the quintessence of human needs – basic needs, striving for improvement and knowledge, and social interaction within one's personal boundaries. And of course it involves a gaming element because humans need to have fun!
Game aims to teach people how to use their intellectual and material resource to the maximum, to bring them closer with the blockchain technology and smart contracts, all in the format of a fun and dynamic game!
Discover market
>1 000 000

- Listing on DEX and creation of liquidity pools
- Update of game mechanics
- Addition of new NFTs
- Introduction of PvP mode
- Launch of tournament mode
- Listing on CEX exchanges
✓ Update the project concept
✓ Team expansion
✓ Update of NFT cards
✓ Forced halt of the project work
✓ Relocation and updating of the team
✓ Market trend analysis
✓ Starting game development
✓ Formation of the project team
✓ Publication of the roadmap and white paper
✓ Launch of advertising campaigns
✓ Start of private sale
✓ Publication of game NFT cards
- Launch of the MANUS token and NFT card exchange program from BSC
- Private sale
- Retrodrop
- Release of NFT cards
- Launch of the updated game
✓ Analysis and selection of a new blockchain
✓ Migration to another blockchain
✓ Updating the roadmap and white paper
✓ Relaunch of the updated project
Participate in the development of the project, receive bonuses, and stay updated with the news!
@2024 ManusCrypt
White Paper